Proposal regarding Building a Chapel Curriculum on Exercism youtube video

One thing to take into consideration as the approach to building quality training to teach people Chapel is that at the moment the best code generator for different programming languages is Deepseek Coder 2.1 which is freely available to use by people. Yes it's better than Claude 3.5(currently nerfed) and ChatGpt 4o at writing code.

It could be customized to always have up to date retention of all the documentation of Chapel 2.0 and use it as a tutor for beginner programmers who have not programmed before me.

The only thing Chapel team needs to make sure before making this available to people is that all the programming concepts unique to Chapel are actually properly understood and explained by Deepseek Coder

If that is possible anyone can just use one of their favorite beginner programming books made for complete beginners in some popular language, paste a whole chapter and make Deepseek Coder rewrite that chapter, but rewrite it in such a way that the exercises and structure of exercises remains identical but Clause only rewrites the syntax and adds explanations of the semantics of Chapel for every exercise so it is truly idiomatic Chapel.

This way you don't have to invest in making extensive beginner friendly resources, just have to invest time in making sure Deepseek Coder understands all the syntax and semantics and in depth all the programming model from Chapel.

There is no reason to believe why Deepseek Coder can not be used successfully as the personalized tutor for everyone wanting to learn Chapel, whether a complete beginner who has not seen or used a programming language before or an intermediate programmer in Python that wants to make sure he understands completely all the nuances of Chapel's parallel programming model.

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Hi Dao,

Just wanted to apologize as I mistakenly flagged your post as spam/automated message, having not seen your other interaction on Gitter. We get a lot of spam on this list advertising marketing tools and such to us, and I quickly assumed this was another instance of that from the mention of a new AI tool.

I didn't realize it would hide the post without any manual moderator review after my report, and our team member with moderator privileges is currently out so we can't restore it right away. However, your post did go out to our mailing list so the team has seen it and can still interact normally.


Will I receive a response or feedback regarding my post proposal?

Hi Dao,

Part of the difficulty here is a lack of expertise on our part. While
there are definitely members of our team that experiment with code
generation tools like ChatGPT, I'm not sure we have folks on the team
with the understanding of how to ensure any tool like this understands
Chapel, let alone a tool that we hadn't heard of before.

That said, I don't mean this to be discouraging at all. New ideas are
always welcome and messages like yours are part of how we learn about
the new tools that become available in our space. It's just harder to
give useful feedback or decide to re-invest the resources we are
currently allocating towards enabling education of new users without a
more thorough investigation, which also would take time.

It's possible that now that the message is visible again, someone in the
broader community may have the expertise and interest to take this on,
or provide more pointers on how to do so. Or maybe you would be
interested in experimenting with it further and reporting back on your
progress, which might enable us to give more targeted feedback/advice
for any issues you encounter?

But whatever the outcome, you have brought it to our attention and that
is valuable on its own. So thank you for doing so, and thank you for
sticking with the topic despite the bumps we've had so far.
