Opportunities to contribute to the Chapel project

Hello all,

The Chapel Team will not be participating in GSoC 2022. We hope you all will consider looking for ways to contribute to Chapel anyway. We always appreciate the interaction with people interested in applying Chapel to their parallel programming challenges, fixing issues, or even just learning the language. Here are some of the activities we are planning for 2022.

  • The CHIUW (Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop) call for papers and talks has been posted at https://chapel-lang.org/CHIUW2022.html. Consider submitting a paper or talk for this year. Or just plan on attending. It will be virtual again this year and FREE!

  • Identify open-source software that is used often in a community and consider how Chapel could help provide across node or in-node parallelism. As some examples, Rebound (https://rebound.readthedocs.io/) is popular for computing orbital trajectories in Astronomy, and https://pangeo.io/ for storing arrays of data in geosciences.

  • If you have been a GSoC mentor with us in the past, or were hoping to be so this year, we are considering putting together a Chapel mentoring resource where people can apply to have a Chapel mentor help them use Chapel to solve their problems. Let us know if you are interested in joining the conversation about such a program.

  • We plan to run an Advent of Code group for 2022. If you are interested, you could work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems, share your code, ask questions in the discourse (https://chapel.discourse.group/), and check out some of the solutions that have become part of our test suite.

Thank you for your interest in and contributions to Chapel!
