New Issue: [Feature Request]: CLS: allow autocompleting inaccessible symbols and adding required 'use'

24793, "riftEmber", "[Feature Request]: CLS: allow autocompleting inaccessible symbols and adding required 'use'", "2024-04-08T21:21:26Z"

Summary of Feature

The Chapel Language Server autocompletion currently doesn't suggest symbols that aren't visible in the current context. I suggest changing to include such symbols as autocomplete options, and if one is chosen it would add the appropriate use automatically. We might want to limit this to standard modules by default to avoid an overwhelming number of options, and/or put them lower in the suggestion list if that's possible.

This is a feature I remember appreciating in IntelliJ a few years ago.

Is this a blocking issue with no known work-arounds?

Code Sample

use CTypes; // could be inserted by CLS

var x = 5;
var xp = c_ptrTo(5); // if user selects c_ptrTo autocomplete, the use above is inserted