[Chapel Merge] Serial revcomp based on gcc #6 version (w/out Open

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: ce494ac
Author: bradcray
Link: Serial revcomp based on gcc #6 version (w/out OpenMP) by bradcray · Pull Request #19551 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #19551 from bradcray/compact-serial-revcomp

Serial revcomp based on gcc #6 version (w/out OpenMP)

[trivial, not reviewed]

This is a serial rewrite of my revcomp study version that is based on the
gcc#6 version, yet without the parallelism, just to see how it compares
to my previous version. Code size seems to be 641 bytes gz.

Modified Files:
M test/studies/shootout/reverse-complement/bradc/revcomp-blc.chpl

M test/studies/shootout/reverse-complement/bradc/revcomp-blc.execopts

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/f067fce4a9c3...ce494acfe395