[Chapel Merge] AUR packaging

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: c2102ff
Author: mppf
Link: Unavailable
Log Message:

Merge pull request #19837 from ghbrown/aur_packaging

AUR packaging

[PR by @ghbrown - thanks! Reviewed/merged by @mppf]

Adds packaging and build/test instructions for the Arch (Linux) User
Repository (AUR), as per the discourse


  • The chapel package for AUR tracks the static 1.26 release, but is
    non-functional due to issues in 1.26 that cause build issues on Arch.
    These issues have been resolved on main, but the chapel AUR package
    will be left broken until 1.27 releases (the online description of the
    broken AUR points to functioning chapel-git package).
  • The chapel-git package for AUR tracks the main branch of the chapel
    repo and is fully functional.

Outstanding issues:

  • updating chapel AUR to use 1.27 upon its release
  • fixing the git describe --long --tags --always behavior for the main
    branch (currently main reports as version 1.24, while it is really 1.26
    at the time of writing).

Possible future work:

  • automated copying of packaging files from their remote sources (so
    maintainers don't need to manually copy and make PRs, etc), hopefully
    such a tool would work for many different packaging formats, OSes, etc.
    and not be a one-off for Arch

  • testing of packaging; it is important to test both successful install
    and a functioning compiler after build and install, as we ran
    into multiple situations where the compiler built and checked, but did
    not actually work (#19913).

    Modified Files:
    A util/packaging/aur/chapel-git/.SRCINFO
    A util/packaging/aur/chapel-git/PKGBUILD
    A util/packaging/aur/chapel/.SRCINFO
    A util/packaging/aur/chapel/PKGBUILD
    A util/packaging/aur/readme.md

    Compare: Comparing 5ad2ca7f42a9...c2102ff967bd · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub