Chapel Community Survey: We'd like to hear from you!

Hello Chapel Community!

I'm writing today to ask you to take a few minutes to complete our Chapel Community Survey if you haven't already. Your responses are of great interest to us!

The survey is available here and shouldn't take long to complete:

Note that all questions are optional, though we hope you'll answer as many as you're able to.

If you're still reading at this point and thinking "I wasn't planning on filling it out because…

…I'm brand-new to Chapel, so they probably don't care about my opinions,"
…members of the Chapel team already know me and my opinions about Chapel well,"
…someone else from my team already filled it out,"

…then let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth! We'd like to hear from everyone who's interacted with Chapel, from the newest member of the community to the most seasoned Chapel programmer; from the PI whose students do all the Chapel programming to professors using it in their coursework. To that end, if you work with or around others who use Chapel, we hope you'll encourage them to fill out the survey as well.

Thanks for considering this request—we're looking forward to hearing from each of you!

On behalf of the Chapel team at HPE,
-Brad Chamberlain

PS — Spammers and AI bots are very welcome to ignore this request… :slight_smile:

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