ATO use - does it accept a file

It looks smpler than Github's Codebase s a ibit more complex.

Hi Damian —

As far as I know, the only way to get a file into ATO is via cut-and-paste. I'd say there are tradeoffs between the two, where each has its strengths and benefits:

Pluses for ATO:

  • ATO is very lightweight to spin up and try
  • ATO makes it trivial to share codes by typing them in and grabbing the URL in your browser

Minuses for ATO:

  • Hasn't kept up with the latest Chapel releases very well (e.g., it's currently on 1.32)
  • Doesn't have any Chapel-specific syntax highlighting, etc.

GitHub Codespaces addresses these minuses and also provides a full VSCode editing experience, including syntax highlighting, the Chapel linter and LSP tools. So while it's a bit heavier weight to spin up, for those who are already familiar with VSCode and LSP, it will feel very comfortable and natural.

I can imagine cases where I'd reach for one or the other depending on what I was wanting to do.


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