PACT'20 keynote talk Wednesday on Compiling Chapel

Hi Chapel Community —

In case you haven’t seen the announcements on social media, I will be giving a keynote talk entitled Compiling Chapel: Keys to Making Parallel Programming Productive at Scale on Wednesday, October 7th at PACT’20 (the 29th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques). Registration fees for PACT are fairly low this year due to the virtual format, in case you’d like to tune in for my talk or any of the other great speakers they’ve lined up.

Hope to “see” some of you there!

The slides from my “Compiling Chapel” talk are now available from the Chapel website:

It also sounds like we should be able to get video of the talk to share, as the organizers get caught up (the conference is just wrapping up today).


The video for my PACT'20 keynote on Compiling Chapel is now available as well:
