New Issue: Should we require '?' for partially instantiated field types?

18665, "e-kayrakli", "Should we require '?' for partially instantiated field types?", "2021-11-01T17:55:15Z"

This spun off from Similar ordered sets with different comparators · Issue #18656 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub.

Currently, the following is OK:

class C {
  var d: D(int);  // d.y is generic

class D {
  type t;
  param y;

should we require d to be declared with no instantiated fields (D), or non-instantiated fields to be denoted explicitly (D(int, ?))?

Note that there's a bug at the moment around this matter: Partial generic fields without `?` doesn't work correctly with nested generics · Issue #18664 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub