New Issue: Paratest hides warnings from nightly test emails

17955, "lydia-duncan", "Paratest hides warnings from nightly test emails", "2021-06-21T18:52:32Z"

Summary of Problem

I noticed that we had some configurations that encountered [Warning: Could not find chpldoc, skipping test chpldoc/basics/disconnectedComment.doc], etc. but did not include these messages as part of the nightly test failure mail for that config. I believe what is uniting these configs is the use of paratest so that the nightly testing finishes more quickly. Paratest doesn't end its output with all the information that a normal start_test run does and I think this is causing our nightly script to miss the information that it doesn't include. However, Jenkins is able to get the warning information out of the log file and include it in the summary of the job in that interface.

I suspect that we similarly drop passing suppressif and passing future information for these jobs as well for the same reason.

Elliot says: