New Issue: Make 'test/man/checkManPages' ensure '\--' is used

17714, "bradcray", "Make 'test/man/checkManPages' ensure '--' is used", "2021-05-13T00:09:29Z"

In recent PRs (#17660, #17446, #17400), we've improved the formatting of the online man pages so that they render -- as -- rather than – (an n-dash). This issue suggests that we go one step further and have the checkManPages script ensure that any options mentioned in the man pages use \-- rather than -- in their .rst source files, to ensure we don't have such issues creep back in. To pass, this change should cause start_test test/man to fail if:

  • one of the flags changes names and no longer matches the compiler's flags (e.g., \--baseline becomes \--baseline-foo)
  • a flag is referred to using --baseline rather than \--baseline