New Issue: Make default task intents for associative domains depend on their parSafe setting?

17221, "bradcray", "Make default task intents for associative domains depend on their parSafe setting?", "2021-02-22T19:00:45Z"

Issue #15593 centers around the following code, which did not compile because domains like d are passed into parallel regions by const ref intent by default.

var d: domain(int);

forall i in 1..2 {
  d += i; //fails to compile; d.add(i); works as expected.

However, adding a with (ref d) to the loop seems a bit silly given that associative domains are created with parSafe=true by default, suggesting that this loop isn't inherently race-y (which is what the default task intents are supposed to be protecting against).

This issue asks whether we should make default intents for associative domains by ref by default if parSafe=true. Ideally, this is logic that could be implemented at the module level using the feature proposed in #13319.