New Issue: Known (likely) issue with LAPACK module formal constness

24868, "riftEmber", "Known (likely) issue with LAPACK module formal constness", "2024-04-16T19:28:03Z"

This issue is to document a likely problem with the LAPACK package module. With the addition of const qualifiers in generated C code, several package module extern functions broke due to implicitly passing an array const ref to a mutable C pointer formal. As LAPACK's interface and the file wrapping it are massive, it's infeasible to update every instance of this manually. I made a best attempt at it in the PR but it is likely there are instances of both 1) unnecessarily mutable refs and 2) const refs that need to be mutable.

The proper solution to this is bringing the util/misc/gen-LAPACK script up to date including generating constness in formals correctly.