New Issue: IO Module: Name of method that indicates a closed/open/valid 'file'

20153, "benharsh", "IO Module: Name of method that indicates a closed/open/valid 'file'", "2022-07-01T22:07:01Z"

We intend to deprecate the file.check method. The purpose of this method is to determine whether a file is closed, or if its internal pointer is null. The pointer may be null if the file was default-initialized, or if an error occurred in the runtime.

There were three options proposed:

proc file.isClosed() : bool { } // returns true if file was closed or if pointer is null

proc file.isOpen() : bool { } // returns true if the file pointer is not null and if the file is still open
proc file.isValid() : bool { } // same as isOpen


In Chapel:

  • isClosed: only channel.isClosed exists today
  • isValid: in the Futures module

Other languages:

  • I don't think rust allows for closed or invalid files to be accessible
  • C# doesn't seem to have a 'file' type like this, and its StreamReader seems to use null to determine validity
  • python has a paren-less closed property: myFile.closed, where myFile was created from a call to open
  • Julia: uses isopen