New Issue: [Feature Request]: improve UnusedLoopIndex chplcheck warning

24838, "jabraham17", "[Feature Request]: improve UnusedLoopIndex chplcheck warning", "2024-04-12T18:00:58Z"

The UnusedLoopIndex warning should consider an empty tuple as being unused as well

For example

for (_, _) in zip(1..10, 1..10) {}

This should be a lint warning for UnusedLoopIndex and the rule should provide a fixit for this to remove (_, _) in.

Furthermore, if a fixit will cause this case to occur, the fixit should just remove the index

for (i, _) in zip(1..10, 1..10) {}

The fixit for the above example should entirely remove (i, _) in, instead of just changing it to (_, _)