New Issue: dyno: support cascading forwarding statements

24709, "DanilaFe", "dyno: support cascading forwarding statements", "2024-03-28T23:17:13Z"

Opening this in advance so I can include the issue number in my PR.

Currently, Dyno will attempt to resolve function call candidates from forwarding statements if the call is being used to resolve forwarding statements. This avoids an infinite recursion caused by trying to find forwards that bring in method m while trying to resolve forwarding m. However, the check, as is, is too coarse; in some situations, forwarding candidates should be used for resolving forwarding statements. In particular:

record myRecord {
  forwarding var myForwardingVar: someType;
  forwarding methodFromSomeType();

To find methodFromSomeType(), Dyno needs to find it as a forwarding method from myForwardingVar. Thus, cascades of (dependent) forwarding fields currently do not work, but should.