New Issue: chapel-py: Add a 'CHPL_' variable to auto-build 'chapel-py'

24871, "DanilaFe", "chapel-py: Add a 'CHPL_' variable to auto-build 'chapel-py'", "2024-04-16T22:11:08Z"

Much like chpldoc, chapel-py is not built by default; also much like chpldoc, chapel-py is used in some tests in the test/ directory, and not having and up-to-date build can cause these tests to fail. chpldoc solves this problem by having an environment variable that always builds it when a regular make is invoked. chapel-py does not have a variable like that, and I consistently forget to rebuild it when running paratests. It would be nice if we had a variable like this for chapel-py.