Lisp interpreter code written in Chapel and shared lists and maps

Here is some Chapel code based on Lispy by Peter Norvig which is in Python.
I have basic questions about the implementation:

  • This is an experiment with using simple Lisp expressions as an extension language to Arkouda

  • Explore the usage of Chapel list and map

  • Explore doing a style of expression interpreter which does a promoted evaluation and uses far less temporary storage

  • I think writing an interpreter in a language says something about the base language

  • list and map as classes vs records

  • There is a problem with the deep copy using owned vs. shared … in the recursion (during the parsing) what should be linear scaling is quadratic because of all the copies.

module LisExpr
    class ErrorWithMsg: Error
        var msg: string;
    public use List;
    /* list value type */
    enum LVT {Lst, Sym, I, R};
    type Symbol = string;

    /* type: list of genric list values */
    type GenList = list(owned GenListValue);

    /* generic list value */
    class GenListValue
        var lvt: LVT;
        /* initialize the list value type so we can test it at runtime */
        proc init(type lvtype) {
            if (lvtype == GenList)            {lvt = LVT.Lst;}
            if (lvtype == Symbol)             {lvt = LVT.Sym;}
            if (lvtype == int)                {lvt = LVT.I;}
            if (lvtype == real)               {lvt = LVT.R;}
        /* cast to the GenListValue to borrowed ListValue(vtype) halt on failure */
        inline proc toListValue(type lvtype) {
            return try! this :borrowed ListValue(lvtype);

        /* returns a copy of this... an owned GenListValue */
        proc copy(): owned GenListValue throws {
          select (this.lvt) {
            when (LVT.Lst) {
              var copyList = copyOwnedList(this.toListValue(GenList).lv);
              return new owned ListValue(copyList);
            when (LVT.Sym) {
              return new owned ListValue(this.toListValue(Symbol).lv);
            when (LVT.I) {
              return new owned ListValue(this.toListValue(int).lv);
            when (LVT.R) {
              return new owned ListValue(this.toListValue(real).lv);
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}
    /* concrete list value */
    class ListValue : GenListValue
        type lvtype;
        var lv: lvtype;
        /* initialize the value and the vtype */
        proc init(val: ?vtype) {
            this.lvtype = vtype;
            // for non-lists, we can just initialize via assignment
            if (!isListType(vtype)) {
     = val;
            // for lists, we need a helper function; see copyOwnedList() for
            // an explanation.
            if (isListType(vtype)) {
              try! copyOwnedList(, val);

    // Helpers to determine whether something is a list or not.
    // Should we have to write these ourselves?  See
    proc isListType(type t: list(?)) param {
      return true;

    proc isListType(type t) param {
      return false;

    // lists of non-nilable owned aren't copyable via assignment
    // because it's not clear what would happen to the rhs 'owned'
    // variables.  They'd transfer ownership which would make the
    // original list useless; and even if that was OK, there's no good
    // value to assign to the RHS list elements.  In the context of
    // this work, we know we'd want to deep copy such lists, so the
    // following two helpers do that in one-arg (+ return) and
    // two-args forms.  For further discussion on this, see
    proc copyOwnedList(src: list(?t, ?p)): list(t, p) throws {
      var dst: list(t, p);
      for item in src {
      return dst;

    proc copyOwnedList(ref dst: list(?t,?p), src: list(t, ?p2)) throws {
      for item in src {

    // allowed value types int and real
    enum VT {I, R};

    /* generic value class */
    class GenValue
        /* value type testable at runtime */
        var vt: VT;
        /* initialize the value type so we can test it at runtime */
        proc init(type vtype) {
            if (vtype == int)  {vt = VT.I;}
            if (vtype == real) {vt = VT.R;}
        /* cast to the GenValue to borrowed Value(vtype) halt on failure */
        inline proc toValue(type vtype) {
            return try! this :borrowed Value(vtype);

        /* returns a copy of this... an owned GenValue */
        proc copy(): owned GenValue throws {
            select (this.vt) {
                when (VT.I) {return new owned Value(this.toValue(int).v);}
                when (VT.R) {return new owned Value(this.toValue(real).v);}
                otherwise { throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented"); }
    /* concrete value class */
    class Value : GenValue
        type vtype; // value type
        var v: vtype; // value
        /* initialize the value and the vtype */
        proc init(val: ?vtype) {
            this.vtype = vtype;
            this.v = val;

    // operators over GenValue
    inline proc +(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(int).v + r.toValue(int).v);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(int).v + r.toValue(real).v);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(real).v + r.toValue(int).v);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(real).v + r.toValue(real).v);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc -(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(int).v - r.toValue(int).v);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(int).v - r.toValue(real).v);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(real).v - r.toValue(int).v);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(real).v - r.toValue(real).v);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc *(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(int).v * r.toValue(int).v);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(int).v * r.toValue(real).v);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(real).v * r.toValue(int).v);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value(l.toValue(real).v * r.toValue(real).v);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc <(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v < r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v < r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v < r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v < r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc >(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v > r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v > r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v > r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v > r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc <=(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v <= r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v <= r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v <= r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v <= r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc >=(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v >= r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v >= r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v >= r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v >= r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc ==(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v == r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v == r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v == r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v == r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc !=(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        select (l.vt, r.vt) {
            when (VT.I, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v != r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.I, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(int).v != r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.I) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v != r.toValue(int).v):int);}
            when (VT.R, VT.R) {return new owned Value((l.toValue(real).v != r.toValue(real).v):int);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}

    inline proc and(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        return new owned Value((l && r):int);

    inline proc or(l: borrowed GenValue, r: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        return new owned Value((l || r):int);

    inline proc not(l: borrowed GenValue): owned GenValue throws {
        return new owned Value((! isTrue(l)):int);

    inline proc isTrue(gv: borrowed GenValue): bool throws {
        select (gv.vt) {
            when (VT.I) {return (gv.toValue(int).v != 0);}
            when (VT.R) {return (gv.toValue(real).v != 0.0);}
            otherwise {throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("not implemented");}
    /* environment is a dictionary of {string:GenValue} */
    class Env
        /* what data structure to use ??? assoc array over strings or a map ? */
        var tD: domain(string);
        var tab: [tD] owned GenValue?;

        /* add a new entry or set an entry to a new value */
        proc addEntry(name:string, val: ?t): borrowed Value(t) throws {
            var entry = new owned Value(val);
            if (!tD.contains(name)) {tD += name;};
            ref tableEntry = tab[name];
            tableEntry = entry;
            return tableEntry!.borrow().toValue(t);

        /* add a new entry or set an entry to a new value */
        proc addEntry(name:string, in entry: owned GenValue): borrowed GenValue throws {
            if (!tD.contains(name)) {tD += name;};
            ref tableEntry = tab[name];
            tableEntry = entry;
            return tableEntry!.borrow();

        /* lookup symbol and throw error if not found */
        proc lookup(name: string): borrowed GenValue throws {
            if (!tD.contains(name) || tab[name] == nil) {
                throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("undefined symbol error (%t)".format(name));
            return tab[name]!;

        /* delete entry -- not sure if we need this */
        proc deleteEntry(name: string) {
            import IO.stdout;
            if (tD.contains(name)) {
                tab[name] = nil;
                tD -= name;
            else {
                writeln("unkown symbol ",name);
                try! stdout.flush();

    // above this is stuff to support generic lists and generic values
    // and environment(dictionary/map) of symbols to values
      tokenize the prog
    proc tokenize(line: string) {
        // Want:
        //   var l: list(string) = line.replace("("," ( ").replace(")"," ) ").split()
        // Workaround (see

        var l: list(string);
        for token in line.replace("("," ( ").replace(")"," ) ").split() do
        return l;
      parse, check, and validate code and all symbols in the tokenized prog
    proc parse(line: string): owned GenListValue throws {
        // Want:
        //   return read_from_tokens(tokenize(line));
        // Workaround (see

        var l: list(string) = tokenize(line);
        return read_from_tokens(l);
      parse throught the list of tokens generating the parse tree / AST
      as a list of atoms and lists
    proc read_from_tokens(ref tokens: list(string)): owned GenListValue throws {
        if (tokens.size == 0) then
            throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("SyntaxError: unexpected EOF");

        // Open Q: If we were to parse from the back of the string to the
        // front, could this be more efficient since popping from the
        // front of a list is an expensive operation?

        var token = tokens.pop(0);
        if (token == "(") {
            var L: GenList;
            while (tokens.first() != ")") {
                if (tokens.size == 0) then
                    throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("SyntaxError: unexpected EOF");
            tokens.pop(0); // pop off ")"
            return new owned ListValue(L);
        else if (token == ")") {
            throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("SyntaxError: unexpected )");
        else {
            return atom(token);
    /* determine atom type and values */
    proc atom(token: string): owned GenListValue {
        try { // try to interpret as an integer ?
            return new owned ListValue(token:int); 
        } catch {
            try { //try to interpret it as a real ?
                return new owned ListValue(token:real);
            } catch { // return it as a symbol
                return new owned ListValue(token);
    /* check to see if list value is a symbol otherwise throw error */
    inline proc checkSymbol(arg: borrowed GenListValue) throws {
        if (arg.lvt != LVT.Sym) {
            throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("arg must be a symbol %t".format(arg));

    /* check to see if size is greater than or equal to size otherwise throw error */
    inline proc checkGEqLstSize(lst: GenList, sz: int) throws {
        if (lst.size < sz) {
            throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("list must be at least size %t %t".format(sz, lst));

    /* check to see if size is equal to size otherwise throw error */
    inline proc checkEqLstSize(lst: GenList, sz: int) throws {
        if (lst.size != sz) {
            throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("list must be size %t %t".format(sz, lst));

      evaluate the expression
    proc eval(ast: borrowed GenListValue, env: borrowed Env): owned GenValue throws {
        select (ast.lvt) {
            when (LVT.Sym) {
                var gv = env.lookup(ast.toListValue(Symbol).lv);
                return gv.copy();
            when (LVT.I) {
                var ret: int = ast.toListValue(int).lv;
                return new owned Value(ret);
            when (LVT.R) {
                var ret: real = ast.toListValue(real).lv;
                return new owned Value(ret);
            when (LVT.Lst) {
                ref lst = ast.toListValue(GenList).lv;
                // no empty lists allowed
                // currently first list element must be a symbol of operator
                var op = lst[0].toListValue(Symbol).lv;
                select (op) {
                    when "+"  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) + eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "-"  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) - eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "*"  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) * eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "<"  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) < eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when ">"  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) > eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "<="  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) <= eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when ">="  {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) >= eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "==" {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) == eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "!=" {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return eval(lst[1], env) != eval(lst[2], env);}
                    when "or" {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return or(eval(lst[1], env), eval(lst[2], env));}
                    when "and" {checkEqLstSize(lst,3); return and(eval(lst[1], env), eval(lst[2], env));}
                    when "not" {checkEqLstSize(lst,2); return not(eval(lst[1], env));}
                    when "set!" {
                        var name = lst[1].toListValue(Symbol).lv;
                        // addEnrtry redefines values for already existing entries
                        var gv = env.addEntry(name, eval(lst[2],env));
                        return gv.copy(); // return value assigned to symbol
                    when "if" {
                        if isTrue(eval(lst[1], env)) {return eval(lst[2], env);} else {return eval(lst[3], env);}
                    otherwise {
                        throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("op not implemented %t".format(op));
            otherwise {
                throw new owned ErrorWithMsg("undefined ast node type %t".format(ast));

    proc test_parse(prog: string): bool {
        var f = true;
        try {
            var tokens = tokenize(prog);
            for tok in tokens {
                write("{"); write(tok); write("}");
        catch e: ErrorWithMsg {
            f = false;
        catch {
            writeln("unkown error!");
            f = false;
        return f;
    proc test_eval(prog: string): bool {
        var f = true;
        try {
            var N = 10;
            var D = {0..#N};
            var A: [D] int = D;
            var B: [D] int;
            // this could have the advantage of not creating array temps like the rest of arkouda does
            // forall (a,b) in zip(A,B) with (var ast = try! parse(prog3), var env = new owned Env()) {
            //forall (a,b) in zip(A,B) {
            for (a,b) in zip(A,B) {
                var ast = parse(prog); // parse and check the program
                var env = new owned Env(); // allocate the env for variables
                // addEnrtry redefines values for already existing entries
                env.addEntry("elt",a); // add a symbol called "elt" and value for a
                // this version does the eval the in the enviroment which creates the symbol "ans"
                //var ans = env.lookup("ans").toValue(int).v; // retrieve value for ans
                //b = ans;

                // this version just returns the GenValue from the eval call
                var ans = eval(ast,env);
                b = ans.toValue(int).v; // put answer into b
        catch e: ErrorWithMsg {
            f = false;
        catch {
            writeln("unkown error!");
            f = false;

        return f;

    proc test_parse_then_eval(prog: string) {
        if test_parse(prog) {test_eval(prog);} else {writeln("error!");}
    /* test */
    proc main() {

        // very simple scheme
        // all symbols are in a predifined map

        // syntax error
        writeln(">>> Syntax error");
        var prog = "(set! ans (if (and (>= elt 5) (<= elt 5)) (+ elt 100 (- elt 10)))";

        // syntax error
        writeln(">>> Syntax error");
        prog = "(set! ans (if (and (>= elt 5 (<= elt 5)) (+ elt 100) (- elt 10)))";

        // eval error
        writeln(">>> Eval error: unkown symbol");
        prog = "(if (and (>= a 5) (<= elt 5)) (+ elt 100) (- elt 10))";

        // eval error
        writeln(">>> Eval error: wrong numbe of args");
        prog = "(if (and (>= elt 5) (<= elt 5 1)) (+ elt 100) (- elt 10))";

        // this returns the answer from the eval and also sets "ans" in the env
        writeln(">>> ans symbol");
        prog = "(set! ans (if (and (>= elt 5) (<= elt 5)) (+ elt 100) (- elt 10)))";

        // this one only returns the answer from the eval
        writeln(">>> val returned from eval");
        prog = "(if (and (>= elt 5) (<= elt 5)) (+ elt 100) (- elt 10))";

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@mhmerrill: This isn’t a reply to the content of your topic so much as a response to your mention that the syntax didn’t seem to be getting formatted properly. I put in some work in the last 24 hours or so to get some very perfunctory syntax highlighting working. We could probably do more to make it fancier / look nicer, but at least it’s being recognized as Chapel code now.

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I'm taking a look at this. It seems to me that the enums are not technically necessary as one can check to see if a GenValue is a particular subclass of GenValue using a cast to a nilable class type. However the enums do allow you to write things like select (l.vt, r.vt) { when (VT.I, VT.I) { ... } } which is pretty nice (and I didn't know we could do that with select - nice!).

There is a problem with the deep copy using owned vs. shared … in the recursion (during the parsing) what should be linear scaling is quadratic because of all the copies.

It took me a few minutes to figure out what is going on here but I see now that read_from_tokens is eventually running copyOwnedList via the initializer.

The copy that was causing problems is within read_from_tokens - the copy from the var L: GenList; ... return new owned ListValue(L). The ListValue initializer uses default intent - which is const ref for an owned class like the lists here. The result is that the body of the initializer tries to copy from the argument, but can't, because it's non-nilable owned.

However that is easy to fix by making the ListValue initializer accept its argument by in intent. Generally speaking, any time an initializer takes an argument and stores it in a field, it should use the in intent for that argument so that the compiler can do the best job it can with optimizing copies. In this program in particular, the compiler is able to completely elide all of the copies of owned ListValue values.

However, when doing that, we still see an error coming from list.init=. This error is coming from the same region, but the copy there is elided. So it is a bug that this error appears.

To get it all working, use this definition for ListValue :

    /* concrete list value */
    class ListValue : GenListValue
        type lvtype;
        var lv: lvtype;

        /* initialize the value and the vtype */
        proc init(in val: ?vtype) {
            this.lvtype = vtype;
   = val;

and apply this patch to the compiler (to avoid the list error):

diff --git a/compiler/resolution/functionResolution.cpp b/compiler/resolution/functionResolution.cpp
index 5cb08cd331..f28c58d65c 100644
--- a/compiler/resolution/functionResolution.cpp
+++ b/compiler/resolution/functionResolution.cpp
@@ -6879,8 +6879,17 @@ void resolveInitVar(CallExpr* call) {
+      // If there is an error in that initCopy call,
+      // just mark it for later (rather than raising the error now)
+      // since the initCopy might be removed later in compilation.
+      inTryResolve++;
+      tryResolveStates.push_back(CHECK_CALLABLE_ONLY);
+      tryResolveStates.pop_back();
+      inTryResolve--;
       dst->type = call->resolvedFunction()->_this->getValType();
       if (at->hasPostInitializer() == true) {

I will be creating a PR for that patch shortly. It is also possible to use some primitives to require the "move" in this case in the event you need a solution that works in 1.23.

I suspect it is also possible to remove the copy of the list(string) within read_from_tokens but I did not concern myself with that for the time being. It is not as simple as using in intent in more places, since the tokens argument is modified in the function and then passed to the recursive call.

I was also thinking that instead of accumulating into a fresh list then wrapping it in a ListValue, read_from_tokens() could create a ListValue, then accumulate into that ListValue’s list.

@mppf now that I know about forwarding we might work it in here to get rid of all the copying code which I find offensive:wink: I want the shortest and fairly efficient code so using shared objects i think is best. What do you think? Am I off base?

I don’t think using shared changes the situation much. I think this code can be short and efficient using the in intent as I described.

I don’t see how forwarding helps at all with the copying situation.

i just think records are less intuitive to people coming from other languages.

or maybe I would just want to see the solution both ways to be able to compare.

Just FYI I have just merged the change in Fix problem with compiler errors from elided init= by mppf · Pull Request #16643 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub .


@mppf I've come back to this after a long while and things in chapel have gotten better... I put this code into a GitHub repo GitHub - mhmerrill/LisExpr: Mike's version of a simple Lisp interpreter written in Chapel. I am still experimenting with various thing listed in the original post, they are now listed in issues in the new repo.

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