External Issue: Question about 'Random.choice' deprecation

24673, "stress-tess", "Question about 'Random.choice' deprecation", "2024-03-25T23:09:40Z"

I'm working on aligning the arkouda random functionality with numpy. In Add `choice`, `permutation`, and `shuffle` to random number generators · Issue #3066 · Bears-R-Us/arkouda · GitHub, I started looking into the numpy methods that have counterparts in chapel.

The numpy version of choice has an optional probabilities argument indicating the probability each element will be selected. The only method in the Random module I can find that has this option is randomStream.choice, which is exactly what I want, but it's deprecated. This issue is mostly to get a sense of why it's been deprecated and if there's an easy way to get similar functionality that I'm just missing. Thanks!