External Issue: Allow mason to use other fields other than the version

17818, "AsianIntel", "Allow mason to use other fields other than the version", "2021-05-25T09:14:29Z"

Taken straight from the gitter chat,
It should be possible for Mason to be able to use the HEAD (among other options) of a git repository while building a project.

Options that could also maybe be supported:
i. Using the HEAD of a git repository
ii. Using the HEAD of a certain branch of a git repository
iii. Using the commit hash of a git repository
iv. Mix of 2 & 3
v. Local path to another mason project (I think you can do this already by specifying compopts)

And as @ben-albrecht said, it shouldn't be possible for packages with such "git-specified" dependencies to be published to the registry.