[Chapel Merge] Use llvm 13 for valgrind testing

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: da8efc9
Author: ronawho
Link: Use llvm 13 for valgrind testing by ronawho · Pull Request #19890 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #19890 from ronawho/use-llvm13-valgrind

Use llvm 13 for valgrind testing

[reviewed by @daviditen]

clang/llvm 14 started generated dwarf5 debug info by default and that's
not compatible with the version of valgrind we use. Until we get a
chance to upgrade, pin to clang/llvm 13.

For more info see Cray/chapel-private#3373

Modified Files:
M util/cron/test-valgrind.bash

M util/cron/test-valgrindexe.bash

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/5f1de039019d...da8efc9b2bac