[Chapel Merge] Update driver technote Future Work to reflect current status

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 0e43a5fbf42e63df1ab495b5959658d3acb4897a
Author: riftEmber
Link: Update driver technote Future Work to reflect current status by riftEmber · Pull Request #23969 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Update driver technote Future Work to reflect current status (#23969)

Update Future Work bullets in the driver technote to reflect the current
status of the work.

I left the issues to be resolved vague since we don't know enough about
their cause yet to provide any useful information.

[minor dev-oriented docs change, not reviewed]

Compare: Comparing 5e8b935f29350d594744078260626960fd4a5ef6...9db6334a5f6f38d706ac2235ceabf2f86d16834a · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M doc/rst/technotes/driver.rst