[Chapel Merge] Rename a function to make it clearer that it returns non-module IDs

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 21a73d062c570a4f5f9a66868d57001102468d34
Author: DanilaFe
Link: Rename a function to make it clearer that it returns non-module IDs by DanilaFe · Pull Request #24856 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Rename a function to make it clearer that it returns non-module IDs (#24856)

The function findUsedImportedModules doesn't just return modules, it
also returns enums. Thus, the name is misleading; I renamed the function
to fit its actual purpose.

Reviewed by @mppf -- thanks!


  • dyno tests
  • paratest (including chpldoc and chapel-py)

Compare: Comparing a21860b302d7eb9686fa514be656b173e06a74b4...e7cbefb2818b78e923e0ef7431d7e52a3a62e674 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M frontend/include/chpl/resolution/scope-queries.h
M frontend/lib/resolution/scope-queries.cpp
M tools/chapel-py/src/method-tables/core-methods.h
M tools/chpldoc/chpldoc.cpp