[Chapel Merge] Remove deprecated functions from arrays, types, and distribution modules

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: a074d8e4c5d82e42872d204365264c6fb310c7f2
Author: stonea
Link: Remove deprecated functions from arrays, types, and distribution modules by stonea · Pull Request #23957 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Remove deprecated functions from arrays, types, and distribution modules (#23957)

This PR removes a handful of deprecated functions in the arrays, types,
and distribution modules


  • newBlockDom, newBlockArr, newCyclicArr, newCyclicDom (we have
    various create* methods in place now; these were deprecated in 1.30)
  • Array sorted, head, tail and reverse functions (reverse and
    sorted were deprecated in 1.29, head and tail in 1.31). I also
    removed the useNewArrayFind config param while I was there.
  • Using <=, >=, < and > operations on types for subtype queries
    (we have named functions instead; these were deprecated in 1.30)

[Reviewed by @e-kayrakli]

Compare: Comparing 36d69e2eb49e872ca4a95bf1ea8ae10c3e7ccfea...a124919b79ce4a9647cc86b36affc9d801094ce8 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M compiler/resolution/functionResolution.cpp
M modules/dists/BlockDist.chpl
M modules/dists/CyclicDist.chpl
M modules/internal/ChapelArray.chpl
D test/deprecated/arrayHeadTail.chpl
D test/deprecated/arrayReverse.chpl
D test/deprecated/arraySorted.chpl
D test/deprecated/distFuncs.chpl
D test/deprecated/typeQueryFuncs.chpl
D test/deprecated/useNewArrayFind.chpl
M test/studies/shootout/submitted/knucleotide3.chpl
M test/studies/shootout/submitted/knucleotide3.good
M test/studies/shootout/submitted/knucleotide4.chpl
M test/studies/shootout/submitted/knucleotide4.good