Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: c3bd9afbbce9764c4a25d661583e1bb065010f1b
Author: bradcray
Link: Improve portability of leak testing by bradcray · Pull Request #26885 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Improve portability of leak testing (#26885)
I forgot to take into account that the amount leaked by this new test
could reflect:
- CHPL_COMM=none vs. !=none
- 32- vs 64-bit linux
- C compiler choices
which made my leaking.bad file a bit too specific to where I tested it
and broke it in some of our test configurations. This expands the
prediff to not just filter the addresses being leaked but any other
integer preceded by 7 spaces, which happens to cover the number of bytes
per domain, and total, leaked, but also the count of 1. This all seems
acceptable, though.
M test/arrays/arrOfArrs/leaking.bad
M test/arrays/arrOfArrs/leaking.prediff