[Chapel Merge] Ignore PSHM warning when testing co-locales on GASNet

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 5cf4b8111380961ffbfd52b787877ae17b6f2a16
Author: jhh67
Link: Ignore PSHM warning when testing co-locales on GASNet by jhh67 · Pull Request #26611 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Ignore PSHM warning when testing co-locales on GASNet (#26611)

Ignore PSHM warning when testing co-locales on GASNet. GASNet will print
a warning if PSHM is disabled and there are multiple processes on the same
node (i.e., there are co-locales). This warning should be ignored when
checking test output.

[Reviewed by @jabraham17, thank you.]

Compare: Comparing 131cd13192c06a4a8ee43977b4d997ce05129a0e...ecb99b017a6620b75fed2dade9d784c6a2e4d494 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M util/cron/common-gasnet.bash
M util/cron/common-hpe-apollo.bash
A util/test/prediff-for-gasnet