[Chapel Merge] Fix a test failure introduced in #23992

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 410708b50290b807a73c1d142dc083483330be57
Author: vasslitvinov
Link: Fix a test failure introduced in #23992 by vasslitvinov · Pull Request #23998 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Fix a test failure introduced in #23992 (#23998)

This adds a workaround for a test failure introduced in #23992.

It also adds a .future test for a minor weirdness with the compiler
warning about a missing (?).

Not reviewed.

Compare: Comparing 03e122cda394c7397aedd4b33106af923caf17ca...90ade4683b31034e6eaa29bef0f74e1814c50e01 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M test/modules/bradc/userInsteadOfStandard/ChapelIO.chpl
A test/modules/vass/userInsteadOfStandard/ChapelIO.chpl
A test/modules/vass/userInsteadOfStandard/ChapelIO.notest
A test/modules/vass/userInsteadOfStandard/foo2.bad
A test/modules/vass/userInsteadOfStandard/foo2.chpl
A test/modules/vass/userInsteadOfStandard/foo2.future
A test/modules/vass/userInsteadOfStandard/foo2.good