[Chapel Merge] dyno: fix casting param values to non-param values

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: a9e69bd8bceff613d0f1c56e22b92a4d1668b107
Author: DanilaFe
Link: dyno: fix casting param values to non-param values by DanilaFe · Pull Request #24878 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
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dyno: fix casting param values to non-param values (#24878)

This came up while trying out LSP with the resolver enabled. Resolving
IO.chpl caused assertion failures because we tried to infer the 'param
type' of byteIndex. The apparent reason is that we were trying to cast
a param-known value to a regular old non-param type. Dyno code
assumed that if the value being cast is a param, then the cast itself
is necessarily compile-time as well; this is inaccurate, since I should
be able to execute value-level casts on literals, like 0 : byteIndex.

This PR adds a new static method on Param to try guess the param
tag of a type, without asserting if the tag is not found. It returns an
optional. Then, the special handler for param casting can call this
method, observe that the destination is not param-enabled, and fall
back to regular value-level calls.

While there, fix another bug in which we attempt to pass nullptr to
->toRecordType; this was hit shortly after the param cast.

Reviewed by @benharsh -- thanks!


  • dyno tests
  • paratest

Compare: Comparing f165e4bd5a85183debfe56563936ee2128a5c935...dcfdb43b0203907d90432963987b1746f8773be0 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M frontend/include/chpl/types/Param.h
M frontend/lib/resolution/copy-elision.cpp
M frontend/lib/resolution/resolution-queries.cpp
M frontend/lib/types/Param.cpp
M frontend/test/resolution/testCast.cpp