[Chapel Merge] chapel-py: Apply black to chapel-py and its derivative files

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 4a900fa4826b8bba21eb85a6f90ea4417ed4ca5c
Author: DanilaFe
Link: chapel-py: Apply black to chapel-py and its derivative files. by DanilaFe · Pull Request #24910 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
chapel-py: Apply black to chapel-py and its derivative files. (#24910)

We've done this before on files such as chpl-language-server.py or
chplcheck.py or rules.py. This PR just does that again, but also
applies it to other, less-often formatted files.

Reviewed by @jabraham17 -- thanks!


  • validated using the new CI check

Compare: Comparing bd95fb8f58e84f8ff9a33f9ef9b1e9ba49f24f4d...f990f7811064de11bfcd3b5201a9f4ea2bc2f83c · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M tools/chapel-py/examples/replace.py
M tools/chapel-py/setup.py
M tools/chapel-py/src/chapel/init.py
M tools/chapel-py/src/chapel/lsp/init.py
M tools/chapel-py/src/chapel/replace/init.py
M tools/chapel-py/src/chapel/visitor/init.py
M tools/chpl-language-server/src/bisect_compat.py
M tools/chpl-language-server/src/chpl-language-server.py
M tools/chpl-language-server/src/chpl-shim.py
M tools/chpl-language-server/src/symbol_signature.py
M tools/chplcheck/src/chplcheck.py
M tools/chplcheck/src/fixits.py
M tools/chplcheck/src/lsp.py
M tools/chplcheck/src/rule_types.py
M tools/chplcheck/src/rules.py