[Chapel Merge] Add SymArrayDmap mason package from Arkouda

Branch: refs/heads/master
Revision: fd4ce1d
Author: bmcdonald3
Link: Add SymArrayDmap mason package from Arkouda by bmcdonald3 · Pull Request #59 · chapel-lang/mason-registry · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #59 from bmcdonald3/sym-array-dmap

Add SymArrayDmap mason package from Arkouda

This is the SymArrayDmap module from Arkouda and is the first Arkouda module to be ported to Mason.

Modified Files:
A Bricks/SymArrayDmap/0.1.0.toml

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/mason-registry/compare/50a4e2aa5559...fd4ce1dac4ce