[Chapel Merge] Add some more tests of the const intent warning

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: e908c9c21e48331d087c3e4636441c5c116d531b
Author: lydia-duncan
Link: Add some more tests of the const intent warning by lydia-duncan · Pull Request #23955 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Add some more tests of the const intent warning (#23955)

[new tests, not reviewed]


  • generic arguments
  • more fields in the class case
  • more fields in the remote case

Thankfully, all three seem to work as expected

Passed a fresh checkout of the tests

Compare: Comparing 36d69e2eb49e872ca4a95bf1ea8ae10c3e7ccfea...0c949b6a5ed54f92f5e88c5edf9d5836dfa485b5 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntent-longerClass.chpl
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntent-longerClass.good
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntent-longerRemote.chpl
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntent-longerRemote.good
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntent-longerRemote.numlocales
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntent-longerRemote.skipif
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntentImplicitMod-instantiated.chpl
A test/unstable/const-intent/constIntentImplicitMod-instantiated.good