[Chapel Merge] Add nodelist support for slurm-gasnetrun based lau

Branch: refs/heads/master
Revision: a586cb5
Author: ronawho
Log Message:

Merge pull request #17671 from ronawho/add-nodelist-slurm-gasnetrun

Add nodelist support for slurm-gasnetrun based launchers

[reviewed by @gbtitus]

This allows specifying --nodelist or CHPL_LAUNCHER_NODELIST to
specify which nodes to run on. This copies functionality we had in the
slurm-srun launcher.

Modified Files:
M runtime/src/launch/slurm-gasnetrun_common/slurm-gasnetrun_common.h

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/e25dc4b6926d...a586cb58dfb7