[Chapel Merge] Add linter fixit for EmptyStmts

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: d81d34e338fc22945e6f6a32744ae8718a686557
Author: jabraham17
Link: Add linter fixit for EmptyStmts by jabraham17 · Pull Request #24840 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Add linter fixit for EmptyStmts (#24840)

Adds an fixit for the chplcheck rule EmptyStmts. This allows users to
automatically fix their code.

This also fixes an issue where the lint rule would warn in places where
it was syntactically invalid to remove the ;, for example if a then ; else b;

To be merged after #24744

[Reviewed by @DanilaFe]

Compare: Comparing 6c88758a8e664611c8c8224bfa6968c4bb574d2a...278546517208e4c1b3644dfd5145908cb226e97f · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub

M tools/chplcheck/src/rules.py