[Chapel Merge] Add a GCC_INSTALL_PREFIX to the llvm build script

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 3d7fda9
Author: daviditen
Link: Unavailable
Log Message:

Merge pull request #19841 from daviditen/gcc-install-prefix-llvm

Add a GCC_INSTALL_PREFIX to the llvm build script

[reviewed by @ronawho and @mppf]

The LLVM build has started requiring the GCC_INSTALL_PREFIX to be set. Without
setting it, the system gcc directory was being used even when a different
gcc was first in the PATH. Set this to point at the directory of the gcc
being used.

Signed-off-by: David Iten daviditen@users.noreply.github.com

Modified Files:
M third-party/llvm/install-llvm.sh

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/ffcc93d39316...3d7fda91fb10