New Issue: Split initialization should apply when the assignment is done via tuple assignments

16937, “bradcray”, “Split initialization should apply when the assignment is done via tuple assignments”, “2021-01-13T01:49:55Z”

As a Chapel user, it seems as though it would be orthogonal if a split initialization that currently could be written as:

var r: R;
r = expr;

could also be written as:

var r: R;
(r, ...) = fnReturningTuple();

since either form represents the first assignment to r and one is just expressed more straightforwardly than the other. However, today this seems to result in r being default initialized and then assigned.

Associated Future Test(s):
test/types/tuple/split-init/splitInitRecordViaTuple.chpl #1234

Configuration Information

  • Output of chpl --version: chpl version 1.24.0 pre-release (cc38a3b154)