New Issue: Should there be a way for module authors to prevent/discourage 'use' of their modules?

19633, "e-kayrakli", "Should there be a way for module authors to prevent/discourage 'use' of their modules?", "2022-04-14T19:37:55Z"

use vs import based programming topics come up pretty often while discussing standalone function names in standard modules. The most recent of such a case were copy, rename and remove functions in the FileSystem module. If that module was used, one can write copy(src="foo", dest="bar") which means copy the file foo into file bar. But that's not clear at all.

Do we want a way to prevent or discourage such module to be used? I can think of:

  • Prevention: think of adding something new to the language to allow something like qualified module FileSystem, which allows only qualified "use", ie, import.
  • Encouragement: maybe we can add annotation that can generate warnings as appropriate:
pragma "prefer import" // can't recall the annotation syntax we decided on. If we did, that is.
module FileSystem {


which can generate some warnings that can be squashed for use FileSystem, for example.