New Issue: Should 'string.strip' take an array of characters, instead of a string that represents that?

19126, "e-kayrakli", "Should 'string.strip' take an array of characters, instead of a string that represents that?", "2022-01-26T20:04:38Z"

[... and extrapolation of that question on bytes]

In Add support for string.contains()? · Issue #19119 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub, @bradcray implied that the argument to string.strip shouldn't be interpreted as an array of characters. Which makes good sense to me.

I feel like there are other linux and/or python interfaces that also takes a string but interpret that string as an array of characters. The -d argument to cut, maybe? So, there may be some precedence to what we have today. But I think it is a worthy discussion whether we want to stick to it or change it.