New Issue: Postfix-! on loop indices or iterables

17359, "e-kayrakli", "Postfix-! on loop indices or iterables", "2021-03-05T23:51:58Z"

It would be nice to get non-nilable items from an iterable that yields nilables.

class C {};

var arr: [1..10] owned C?;

// populate array

forall a in arr! {
  .... a ....  // a is non-nilable in the loop body

// or

forall a! in arr {
  .... a ....  // a is non-nilable in the loop body

where, today you can achieve the same thing with something like:

forall aNilable in arr {
  const ref a = aNilable!;
  .... a ....  // a is non-nilable in the loop body