New Issue: Port MiniBUDE to Chapel

17992, "bradcray", "Port MiniBUDE to Chapel", "2021-06-28T14:22:06Z"

Simon McIntosh-Smith's team at U/Bristol tends to do in-depth performance portability studies, focusing primarily on intra-node concerns, particularly in a GPU-enabled world. MiniBUDE is a computationally intensive mini-app that they have been using to evaluate performance portability—and to a certain extent, productivity—in various programming models such as OpenMP, OpenCL, OpenACC, SYCL, Kokkos, etc. Their work was named "best paper" at ISC 2021 this year.

It would be interesting to do a Chapel port to see how we compare in terms of performance and productivity to other solutions, and to raise the chances that we might be included in such future studies. This effort could focus on single-node / multi-core performance in the short-term, possibly with a side exploration of whether a multi-locale version would be trivial as well. As our GPU support matures, this would be a good point of comparison to other GPU programming approaches.