New Issue: Module-scope variables are not shadowed consistently

16743, “bradcray”, “Module-scope variables are not shadowed consistently”, “2020-11-19T01:35:02Z”

As @vasslitvinov pointed out in this comment on issue #16716, we currently don’t introduce shadow variables for module-scope variables for coforall loops as we do for forall loops. Here’s the test he used to demonstrate this:

module Lib {
  var globalLib = 10;
  proc updateLib() { globalLib += 1; }

module Main {
  use Lib;
  var s$: sync int;
  var globalMain = 20;
  proc updateMain() { globalMain += 1; }

  proc main {
    coforall 1..2 {
      s$ = 1; // grab the lock
      writeln("globaLib   = ", globalLib);
      writeln("globalMain = ", globalMain);

where the output is:

globaLib   = 10
globalMain = 20
globaLib   = 11   // should be 10
globalMain = 20

However, if the coforall is changed to forall, we get the expected result.