New Issue: Math module - potential renaming for params

19000, "lydia-duncan", "Math module - potential renaming for params", "2022-01-13T23:41:59Z"

Here's a proposed renaming. Alternate proposals and discussion welcome

old name new name
e stays the same
log2_e log2E
log10_e log10E
ln_2 ln2 (or logE2 if we decide to use logE instead of ln in Math module - log function and log/ln param names are inconsistent · Issue #18995 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub)
ln_10 ln10 (or logE10, ditto connection above)
pi stays the same
half_pi halfPi
quarter_pi quarterPi

recipr_pi | reciprPi
twice_recipr_pi | twiceReciprPi
twice_recipr_sqrt_pi | twiceReciprSqrtPi
sqrt_2 | sqrt2
recipr_sqrt_2 | reciprSqrt2