New Issue: How to handle 'QIO_HINT_OWNED' in the IO module?

20430, "jeremiah-corrado", "How to handle 'QIO_HINT_OWNED' in the IO module?", "2022-08-11T20:10:09Z"

Per some discussion on this thread, it was decided that we probably don't want to include QIO_HINT_OWNED in the ioHintSet type.

For background, this hint is used to indicate to the runtime that the relevant _file or fd_t should be closed when the associated chapel file is closed. (someone please correct me if I have that backwards).

Instead of adding to ioHintSet, we may want to add an additional boolean argument to openfd and openfp to toggle this feature. The new headers for these methods might look something like this:

proc openfd(fd: fd_t, hints = ioHintSet.empty, owner = false):file throws { ... }
proc openfp(fp: _file, hints = ioHintSet.empty, owner = false):file throws { ... }

The specific name and default value of the "owner" argument would need to be decided (keeping in mind that owned is a reserved word and cannot be used here).