New Issue: Add documentation about what array views are and where they come up

19177, "stonea", "Add documentation about what array views are and where they come up", "2022-02-04T00:50:27Z"

The reindex returns an array view over the domain. Looking at our module code I can see three different kinds of array views:

ArrayViewRankChange.chpl ArrayViewReindex.chpl ArrayViewSlice.chpl

So it sounds like we we also introduce "array views" in other contexts.

However near as I can tell, nowhere in the doc do we explain what an array view is.

On the one hand, it to me like its obvious enough to explain that this is some object that acts as a reindexing of an existing array while referencing that original array (so no data gets copied), on the other if we're going to introduce the term "array view" in the doc we might want to have some formalish definition of what that is.