17057, “cassella”, “some operators formatted differently in html docs”, “2021-01-30T04:32:05Z”
Summary of Problem
In the docs for Map, for example,
The +
and +=
operators don’t get the code-style formatting that most of the other operators (and all the non-operator functions) get.
Also affected are =
, ==
, !=
, -
, and -=
They get the same treatment in the rst:
.. function:: proc +(a: map(?keyType, ?valueType, ?parSafe), b: map(keyType, valueType, parSafe))
Returns a new map containing the keys and values in either a or b.
.. function:: proc +=(ref a: map(?keyType, ?valueType, ?parSafe), b: map(keyType, valueType, parSafe))
Sets the left-hand side map to contain the keys and values in either
a or b.
.. function:: proc |(a: map(?keyType, ?valueType, ?parSafe), b: map(keyType, valueType, parSafe))
Returns a new map containing the keys and values in either a or b.
.. function:: proc |=(ref a: map(?keyType, ?valueType, ?parSafe), b: map(keyType, valueType, parSafe))
Sets the left-hand side map to contain the keys and values in either
a or b.
But they pick up different formatting in the html:
<dl class="chpl function">
<dt id="Map.+">
<em class="property">proc </em><code class="sig-name descname">+</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em class="sig-param">a: map(?keyType</em>,
<em class="sig-param">?valueType</em>, <em class="sig-param">?parSafe)</em>, <em class="sig-param">b: map(keyType</em>, <em class="sig-param">val
ueType</em>, <em class="sig-param">parSafe)</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#Map.+" title="Permalink to this defin
<dd><p>Returns a new map containing the keys and values in either a or b.</p>
<dl class="chpl function">
<dt id="Map.+=">
<em class="property">proc </em><code class="sig-name descname">+=</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em class="sig-param">ref a: map(?keyType</em>, <em class="sig-param">?valueType</em>, <em class="sig-param">?parSafe)</em>, <em class="sig-param">b: map(keyType</em>, <em class="sig-param">valueType</em>, <em class="sig-param">parSafe)</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#Map.+=" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
<dd><p>Sets the left-hand side map to contain the keys and values in either
a or b.</p>
<dl class="chpl function">
<code class="sig-name descname">proc |(a: map(?keyType, ?valueType, ?parSafe), b: map(keyType, valueType, parSafe))</code></dt>
<dd><p>Returns a new map containing the keys and values in either a or b.</p>
<dl class="chpl function">
<code class="sig-name descname">proc |=(ref a: map(?keyType, ?valueType, ?parSafe), b: map(keyType, valueType, parSafe))</code></dt>
<dd><p>Sets the left-hand side map to contain the keys and values in either
a or b.</p>