External Issue: internal error: RES-FUN-ION-6655 chpl version 1.23.0

16794, “ahysing”, “internal error: RES-FUN-ION-6655 chpl version 1.23.0”, “2020-11-29T21:51:35Z”

Summary of Problem

Please compile the program below. My best guess is that the untyped variable openSet can not be initialized with value noinit. However the message is somewhat unclear on what the issue is.

Steps to Reproduce

Compile the program below

Source Code:

/* Documentation for AStar */
module AStar {
  private use List;
  private use BlockDist;
  private use Heap;
  private use Map;

  pragma "no doc"
  iter backtrace(cameFrom, end) {
    var at = end;
    while cameFrom.contains(at) {
      const next = cameFrom.getValue(at);
      at = next;
      yield next;

  pragma "no doc"
  proc reconstructPath(cameFrom, current)
    var fullPath = List.init(cameFrom.type);
    for current in backtrace(cameFrom, current) do
    return fullPath;

  enum Visit {
  public class Searcher {
    /* The type of the states contained in this EStar space. */
    type eltType;
    /* The distance, heuristic and findNeighbors functions  */
    var impl;
    forwarding impl only distance, heuristic, findNeighbors;
    /* The size of the AStar state space. */
    var N : int;
    var M : int;
    type BlockDom = domain(2) dmapped Block({0..16, 0..16});
    var openSet;
    var fScore : [BlockDom] real = noinit;
    var gScore : [BlockDom] real = noinit;
    var cameFrom : map;
      Initializes an empty Searcher.
      :arg eltType: The type of the states
      :arg N: the size of the search space
    proc init(type eltType, impl, N : int, M : int) {
      this.eltType = eltType;
      this.impl = impl;
      this.N = N;
      this.M = M;
      this.openSet = noinit;
      this.fScore = {0..N, 0..M};
      this.gScore = {0..N, 0..M};
      this.cameFrom = Map.init(eltType, eltType);

    pragma "no doc"
    proc _checkType(type eltType) {
      if isGenericType(eltType) {
        compilerWarning("creating a AStar with element type " +
        if isClassType(eltType) && !isGenericType(borrowed eltType) {
          compilerWarning("which now means class type with generic management");
        compilerError("AStar element type cannot currently be generic");

    pragma "no doc"
    proc initializeOpenSet(start) {
      forall i in openSet.indices do
        openSet[i] = Visit.Unexplored;
      openSet[start] = Visit.Open;

    pragma "no doc"
    proc initializeFScore(start) {
      forall i in 0..fScore.indices do
        fScore[i] = 0.0;
      fScore[start] = heuristic(start);

    pragma "no doc"
    proc initializeGScore(start) {
      forall i in gScore.indices do
        gScore[i] = max(real);
      gScore[start] = 0.0;

    iter iterateSet(openSet) {
      for i in openSet.indices {
        yield openSet[i];

    pragma "no doc"
    proc isEmpty(openSet) {
      var empty = true;
      forall state in iterateSet(openSet) with (&& reduce empty) {
        empty &&= (state == Visit.Closed);

      return empty;

      A* search function.
    proc search(start : eltType, f : real, g : real, goal : eltType) {
      // The set of discovered nodes that may need to be (re-)expanded.
      // Initially, only the start node is known.

      // For node n, cameFrom[n] is the node immediately preceding it on the cheapest path from start
      // to n currently known.

      // For node n, gScore[n] is the cost of the cheapest path from start to n currently known.

      // For node n, fScore[n] = gScore[n] + h(n). fScore[n] represents our current best guess as to
      // how short a path from start to finish can be if it goes through n.
      var result : real;
      for loc in Locales do
        on loc do
          while ! isEmpty(openSet) do {
            // This operation can occur in O(1) time if openSet is a min-heap or a priority queue
            const current = openSet.top();
            if current == goal then
              result = reconstructPath(cameFrom, current);
            else {
              const state = openSet.pop();

                // d(current,neighbor) is the weight of the edge from current to neighbor
                // tentative_gScore is the distance from start to the neighbor through current
              forall neighbor in findNeighbors(this, current) do {
                const tentative_gScore = score[current] + distance(current, neighbor);
                if tentative_gScore < gScore[neighbor] {
                  // This path to neighbor is better than any previous one. Record it!
                  cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
                  gScore[neighbor] = tentative_gScore;
                  fScore[neighbor] = gScore[neighbor] + heuristic(neighbor);
                var neighborNotInOpenSet = true;
                forall n in openSet.these() do
                  if n == neighbor then neighborNotInOpenSet = false;

                if neighborNotInOpenSet then
      // Open set is empty but goal was never reached
      return result;

  pragma "no doc"
  record Comparator { }

  pragma "no doc"
  proc Comparator.compare(a, b) {
    return abs(a) - abs(b);

  record ConnectFour {
    var depth : int(32);
    proc _minimax() {
      return 1.0;

    proc heuristic(searcher : borrowed Searcher) {
      return _minimax();

    proc distance(a, b) {
      return 1:real;

    proc findNeighbors(searcher : borrowed Searcher, state) {
      var l = List.init(real);
      return l;

  proc main() {
    writeln("This program is running on ", numLocales, " locales");
    var D = {0..16, 0..16};
    var values: [D] Visit;
    const connectFour = new ConnectFour(5);
    const numRows : int = 6;
    const numColumns : int = 7;
    var searcher = new Searcher(real, connectFour, numRows, numColumns);


Compile command:
mason build

Execution command:
Associated Future Test(s):

Configuration Information

  • Output of chpl --version:
    chpl version 1.23.0
    Copyright 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
    Copyright 2004-2019 Cray Inc.
    (See LICENSE file for more details)

  • Output of $CHPL_HOME/util/printchplenv --anonymize:
    CHPL_TARGET_ARCH: x86_64
    CHPL_TARGET_CPU: native
    CHPL_COMM: none
    CHPL_TASKS: qthreads
    CHPL_TIMERS: generic
    CHPL_UNWIND: none
    CHPL_MEM: jemalloc
    CHPL_ATOMICS: cstdlib
    CHPL_GMP: gmp
    CHPL_HWLOC: hwloc
    CHPL_REGEXP: re2
    CHPL_LLVM: none

  • Back-end compiler and version, e.g. gcc --version or clang --version:

gcc --version

Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.1.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin

clang --version

Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.1.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin
  • (For Cray systems only) Output of module list: