20046, "lucaferranti", "internal compiler error, maybe related to lambda functions?", "2022-06-19T13:28:12Z"
Summary of Problem
While playing with ForwardModeAD, a package I'm writing, I hit the following internal compiler error
Skipping registry update since no dependency found in manifest file.
/home/lferrant/ForwardModeAD/example/example1d.chpl:12: internal error: RES-PRE-OLD-2900 chpl version 1.26.0
Note: This source location is a guess.
Internal errors indicate a bug in the Chapel compiler ("It's us, not you"),
and we're sorry for the hassle. We would appreciate your reporting this bug --
please see https://chapel-lang.org/bugs.html for instructions. In the meantime,
the filename + line number above may be useful in working around the issue.
compilation failed for example1d.chpl
My lucky guess would be that it has to do with lambda functions, but I'm not sure. Please feel free to change this issue name to be more informative/accurate.
Steps to Reproduce
Source Code:
The code is also available in the example folder of the package here
use ForwardModeAD;
proc f(x) {
return x ** 2 + 2 * x + 1;
var y = derivative(lambda(x : DualNumber) {return f(x);}, 1.0);
proc df(x) {
return derivative(lambda(t : DualNumber) {return f(t);}, x); // this is line 12
var z = df(1.0);
Compile command:
mason build --example (also chpl example/example1d.chpl -M src/ gives the same outcome)
Execution command:
Associated Future Test(s):
Configuration Information
Output of chpl --version:
chpl version 1.26.0
built with LLVM version 12.0.0
Copyright 2020-2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Copyright 2004-2019 Cray Inc.
(See LICENSE file for more details)
Output of $CHPL_HOME/util/printchplenv --anonymize:
Back-end compiler and version, e.g. gcc --version or clang --version:
gcc (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1) 10.3.0
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO