External Issue: How to write a class method which returns a generic domain where the shape of the domain is unknown at compile time?

19571, "abhishekingit", "How to write a class method which returns a generic domain where the shape of the domain is unknown at compile time?", "2022-03-30T10:50:11Z"

I was trying to write an overriding class method that returns a domain of any shape but I cannot figure out a way to do so.
I want a way to perform a dynamic dispatch to fetch a generic domain from DerivedChild as I am fetching values from a Map.

class AbstractParent {
	// less generic fields
	const rank: int;

    proc init(rank: int) {
        this.rank = rank;

	proc getDomain(): domain {
		halt("Pure virutal method");

class DerivedChild: AbstractParent {	
	param rank: int;
	param stridable: bool;
	var dom: domain(rank, stridable = stridable);	
    proc init(size: domain) {
        this.rank = size.rank;
        this.stridable = size.stridable;
        this.dom = size;
	//generic fields
	override proc getDomain(): domain {
		return this.dom;

var dataMap: map(string, shared AbstractParent);
var d1: domain(2) = {1..2, 1..3};
var dervChild1 = new shared DerivedChild(d1);
dataMap.add("quantity1", dervChild1);

With reference to #19570 I was also wondering if there is some workaround that allows us to like downcast AbstractParent to DerivedChild and call getDomain() from there.