External Issue: [feature request] 'mason test' should print the error when fails to compile

20083, "lucaferranti", "[feature request] 'mason test' should print the error when fails to compile", "2022-06-25T13:19:31Z"

mason is already a great tool to develop packages. One thing that I find slows down my productivity is that if mason test fails to compile the tests, either for compilation error in the package under development or tests itself, it just prints "compilation failed" and I need to manualy run chpl test/mytestfile.chpl -M src/ to actually get the error message and debug the code.

As a demo, if I have the following file under my tests

use UnitTest;

proc test_simple(test : borrowed Test) throws {

    test.assertEqual(1, 1) // note semicolon missing

mason test will print

Skipping registry update since no dependency found in manifest file.
compilation failed for test_example.chpl