Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 3d54c9f
Author: daviditen
Link: Update the names of errors with acronyms from 'SysError' by daviditen · Pull Request #20485 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Merge pull request #20485 from daviditen/camel-case-SysError-acronyms
Update the names of errors with acronyms from 'SysError'
[reviewed by @dlongnecke-cray, thanks!]
There were 4 errors in the 'SysError' module (now part of 'OS') that had
capitalized acronyms as part of their names. Change them to use regular
camelCase for the acronyms.
Add deprecated versions of the original names, update tests and modules
to use the new names, add a test/deprecated test that gets deprecated warnings
for using the old names.
Modified Files:
A test/deprecated/deprecated-errors.chpl
A test/deprecated/deprecated-errors.good
M modules/internal/ChapelBase.chpl
M modules/standard/IO.chpl
M modules/standard/OS.chpl
M modules/standard/Subprocess.chpl
M test/errhandling/lydia/ioerrorCheck.chpl
M test/errhandling/psahabu/defer-throw-fatal.chpl
M test/errhandling/psahabu/defer-throw-relaxed.chpl
M test/io/errors/writeThisUserError.chpl
M test/io/ferguson/asserteof.good
M test/io/jhh/readbinary-error.good
M test/io/jhh/writebinary-error.good
M test/io/sungeun/ioerror.EACCES.good
M test/release/examples/benchmarks/shootout/revcomp-fast.chpl
M test/studies/shootout/reverse-complement/bharshbarg/revcomp-mark-skip-read-begin.chpl