[Chapel Merge] Reverting 1.25.1 changes to 1.26.0 prelease

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: a09fcb4
Author: Maxrimus
Link: Reverting 1.25.1 changes to 1.26.0 prelease by Maxrimus · Pull Request #18819 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #18819 from Maxrimus/main

Reverting 1.25.1 changes to 1.26.0 prelease

[reviewed by @bradcray ]

Modified Files:
M compiler/main/version_num.h

M doc/rst/conf.py
M man/confchpl.rst
M man/confchpldoc.rst
M test/compflags/bradc/printstuff/version.goodstart
M test/compflags/bradc/printstuff/versionhelp.sh

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/9a4f162dc1f2...a09fcb4a8361